
My name is Anna Zuykova. I am a psychologist, psychotherapist, actress, translator, trainings organizer.

As a psychologist and psychotherapist I have my private practice in Slovenia and all over the world by Internet.

I am a second-generation psychotherapist  (my mother is also a psychotherapist), so I can say, that I have this profession “in my blood”. I had a great opportunity to learn from the best masters of this field in Russia and all over the world and I am happy to still have this great option. Also I learn from my clients – together we co-create the unique process, which developes and enriches both of us.

As a translator (English-Russian-Slovenian) I usually work at professional events (TA, IP conferences, exams, trainings etc.) and translate professtional materials, so I collect and share interesting information I get.

I actively work with socially volnurable groups using Transactional Analysis, art therapy, acting therapy, improvisational theatre, mindfulness, bodily techniques within bio-psycho-socio-spiritual paradigm. One of the main fields of my professional interest is psychological adaptation of voluntary migrants (adults, adolescents, couples, groups). 

Welcome to my page and feel free to contact me 🙂


Ljubljana, Nova Gorica
Online sessions
E-mail and Skype: anna@artpsy.pro



Psychotherapy/Creative Therapy

In my private practice I use Transactional Analysis, Art Therapy methods, Integrative Psychotherapy, Acting Therapy, Perinatal Psychology, relaxation techniques, elements of body therapy, creative methods and other compatible activities. I love to combine different psy and art techniques, to create new synergies and use them in my private practice (individual and group work), include to my workshops and other activities.

I love to combine different psy and art techniques, to create new synergies and use them in my private practice (individual and group work), include to my workshops and other activities.

I work with adults, teenagers, couples, seniors, groups. Work with emigrants (psychological adaptation).
Do not work with mental illnesses, do not use medication in therapy.

I provide therapy in English, Russian and Slovenian languages.

I have my private practice under a regular supervision in Ljubljana, Slovenia and all over the world by internet.
In my professional practice I follow the ethic codes of SINTA, SLOVENTA and EATA. I also have regular individual therapy, participate in group therapies and other educational and therapeutic groups (peer-groups) and organize psy-oriented events and activities.

I travel a lot and that is why I also work through internet, using free applications (such as Skype, WhatsApp etc.), which still make the therapy process effective, mobile and economic.

You can learn more about my professional development here.

Online Counseling

You can contact me through this online services:



I organize and lead therapeutic creative workshop and master-classes for kids and adults, thematic groups (personal growth, resourcing, emotional burn-out prevention, self-support, public speaking, communitcation etc.) for practitioners and general public).

As an actress I use methods of acting therapy, improvisational theatre, expressive and body-oriented methods. Also I base my training activities on the Emotional Literacy theory and practice (C. Steiner), relaxational practices, art techinques (painting, drawing, doodling, sculputre etc.), holistic approach, human ecology and my beloved Transactional Analysis and Integrative Psychotherapy.

Professional information

I participate various professional national and international events, translate articles, trainings, master-classes, exams (mostly in Transactional Analysis and Integrative Psychotherapy fields). I post news and practical materials in my blog and facebook page. Welcome to check!

Also I help colleagues with creating psy-websites, web-promotions and starting psy-practice.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

My projects in Social media

Welcome to visit, like and share my Facebook pages: Art.Psy.Lab Art.Psy.Design MUŠ and Instagram: Art.Psy.Lab Art.Psy.Design MUŠ Thank you and follow my news!

A Warm Fuzzy Tale

Beloved "A Warm Fuzzy Tale" by Claude Steiner Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived two happy people called Tim and Maggie with their two children, John and Lucy. To understand how happy...

Instagram Art.Psy.Lab

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Welcome to my Art.Psy.Room!

We can meet in person in Ljubljana or Nova Gorica.
If you are located at another city/country, we can co-create with the help of online services!

Thank you and see you!

Ljubljana, Nova Gorica
Online sessions
E-mail and Skype: anna@artpsy.pro